Sunday, November 16, 2008

Helping Kassie out

After Kassie had surgery on her foot my mom and I went down and helped her out. It was really fun to have my mom there to have fun and help me out since I couldn't do a ton because of school. It was also really nice to have my mom there because I got really sick and slept for like 2 days straight.

Aaron had to work all night the night before one of Kassie's appointments so I got to take her. After the Doctor left the room we hurried and took a few pictures of her foot before she got her cast on. Its pretty sick.

Kassie in her wheel chair. She got to where she could get around her house really good. She was also able to spin some pretty good doughnuts.

Since Kassie couldn't really do much we did a lot of puzzles. We actually did five puzzles but I don't have a picture of the fifth one. It was really fun doing these puzzles. Kassie would stay up really late and just have fun laughing and talking while doing puzzles.

During the Saturday session of conference it rained a lot. Sam had been asking to go jump in the puddles all day. So that night while Aaron was at the priesthood session Sam, Garret and I went puddle jumping.

Sam and Garret would go up and down the gutters saying march march march, and would march like soldiers. It was so much fun and we went inside soaked.

This is all of us after a fun time puddle jumping.

Sam and Garret really like to make cookies. One day Kassie asked me to make some cookies for something she had to go to. So Sam and Garret had fun helping me. If you ask my mom she will tell you that Kassie is addicted to sugar (even though we didn't even have very much sugar while we were there.

One day we were at a fabric store and saw these masks. I had my camera in my purse, so I had Kassie take pictures of me with all of them on.

Hillary Clinton
John McCain
Barack Obama (our new President of the USA)

These are just a few fun pictures of Garret that I got while I was there. He is such a funny boy and has such a funny since of humor.

Garret with a really big smile

I think this is one of my favorite pictures of Garret. He really likes to play cowboys and super hero's. I took this picture one day while he was in a cowboy mood.

One night I went into the boys room at around 10:00 and found Garret wide awake and sitting at the end of his bed. I thought It was pretty funny.

When I lived in Aztec New Mexico as a kid we lived on MORRIS DR. I thought it was the coolest thing having our road named after us. Ever since we moved away I've been wanting a picture of it so when I was there this time we got a picture of it.

I thought I would get a picture of me by the sign.

On our way out of town we stopped at my favorite place to get ice cream, the "vanilla moose". This place brings back such good memories from my childhood. I remember going to this place to get ice cream cones for FHE. They are so good and huge.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I thought I would play catch up and post pictures of the LOTOJA. At the beginning of September my brothers all did the lotoja bike race. They started in Logan UT at 7:30 in the morning and rode 206 miles and over 3 mountain passes. In the first 5-10 miles my brother Jordan got in a crash with a bunch of other bikers. They all finished, some with cuts and bruises and others with really bad helmet hair.

This is me and Jordan the night before the race picking up their packets.

Aaron, Gary, Jordan and Jared right before the race started.

All of the girls were the support crew for the boys. We would go the the next stop and have fresh food and water for them. We had fun driving all day and some of the night watching them ride. Kassie made a ROMO (rogers morris) Racing team logo. She put it on some iron on paper so the girls could make shirts.

This was me on top of the last mountain pass playing with Kassie's crutches. We stopped to take some pictures of the boys riding past.

I took this picture of Jordan's bloody knees at the first stop. They looked pretty bad. He also bent the rim on his front tire, which he rode with most of the race. At the last stop that we made with them Jared traded tires with him.

Friday, August 15, 2008

More Pictures from New Mexico

Sam making a silly face

Sam and Garret relaxing after a long day at church

Sam sleeping with the sword that his uncle Jared made for him. It was so cute, for about a week he wouldn't go to bed until he had his sword in his hand

Trying on "Papa's" glasses

Garret is always trying to get every last drop of ice cream out of his bowl.

Looks like he got most of it out of his bowl. Whatever isn't in his tummy in on his face. Silly boy.

Garret getting loves from his "mama"
My grandma has this apron and chef hat, and Garret loves to put it on and play "Cooker Man"

This is a picture of me after giving blood. I did really good while I was giving blood but after I was done I got a little bit dizzy and passed out. I did a pretty good face plant so I hear.
This is garret playing cowboy before we went to a rodeo. I'd have to say he's the cutest cowboy I've ever seen.

Summer 2008 With My Sister and Her Family

This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to go and live with my sister and her family. It was so great to be able to spend time with her and to be able to get to know my Nephews and Brother-in-law a little bit better. In the mornings when I was down there I would play with Sam and Garret and then in the afternoon my sister and I took a class at the community college. It was so much fun playing with Sam and Garret and building a great relationship with them.

Being silly on the swings

Kassie took me to this park after we cut my hair. These were the coolest swings I have ever played on.

4th of July in Provo

Dad was in Cortez on a job and decided to come get Sam and I so we could go to Provo with him and Mom. We had so much fun hanging out with the family.

Laura, Megan, Sam and Kirsten

Sam and Megan

Most of us with Jack Sparrow after the parade in Provo

Sam, Me, Kirsten, Jordan and Megan sitting on a big wall watching the parade

Kevins office at BYU

The past 2 years we have gone to uncle Kevins office at BYU to eat dinner, go hot tubing and then watch the fireworks when they start. This pool that Jordan I are sitting in is 36 degrees. We had a competition to see who could sit in it the longest. The winner got a pair of BYU shorts. Gary made it about a minute, Jared made it about 3 minutes. Jordan and I were both to stubborn to get out so after 12 1/2 minutes my uncle brought us both a pair of shorts. I say I won because I sat down about 30 seconds before anyone else. This is a picture of Jordan and I sitting in the cold pool.

Mom and Dad enjoying watching the beautiful fireworks.

Dad finishing up a wrestling match that I started.

Kassie and I

My beautiful sister Kassie

I thought this was a good picture of my sister and I. I'm kinda bummed that it was blurry

Fun with Friends

Dani and I

Dani having fun with sparklers

Samuel having fun with his sparkler

Kassie did all our toes. This was the first time that my friend Dani can remember having her toes painted.

Fun at the park

I love this picture of Sam Garret and I. I think its the only picture of all 3 of us from the summer.

Fun before Bedtime

Sam and Garret love to play Kung Fu Panda and Ninja Turtles

This is a picture of Garret running to attack me.

Samuel and one of his many poses